React vs. Angular

September 29, 2021

As web development continues to evolve over the years, choosing the right framework can be a difficult task. Currently, React and Angular are two of the most popular frameworks used in web development. Both frameworks have their own advantages and disadvantages. In this blog post, we will compare React and Angular frameworks in a factual, unbiased way by analyzing various factors.


React, created by Facebook in 2013, has become a popular choice for building user interfaces. React has gained its popularity through its ability to handle large amounts of data dynamically, making it a great choice for single-page applications.

On the other hand, Angular, created by Google in 2010, saw a significant increase in popularity in 2016 when Google released Angular 2. Angular is known for its comprehensive infrastructure and is a great choice for building complex web applications.

According to the State of JavaScript 2020 survey, React is currently more popular, with 69.5% of respondents saying they have used React, while only 40.5% of respondents said they have used Angular.


Performance is a critical factor in deciding which framework to use. React uses a virtual DOM which allows it to update the UI faster than traditional frameworks. Additionally, React has a smaller file size than Angular, which leads to faster load times.

Angular, on the other hand, has significant overhead because of its infrastructure, which can make it slower when dealing with heavy loads of data. However, Angular's Ahead-of-Time (AOT) compilation allows it to perform better when loading the application for the first time.

According to the JS Frameworks Benchmark, React performs better in updating the UI, while Angular is faster in loading and rendering the initial page.

Learning Curve

One of the most important factors to consider when choosing a framework is the learning curve. React has a simpler API compared to Angular, making it easier to learn. React also has an extensive documentation guide, enabling developers to learn it faster.

Angular, on the other hand, has a steep learning curve as it has a comprehensive infrastructure. Angular requires a solid understanding of TypeScript, making it harder to learn for those new to web development.

Community Support

Both React and Angular have a large community to support developers. React's community is continually growing, which offers an abundance of resources, plugins, and libraries. React developers also enjoy the benefit of node.js-based server rendering known as Next.js, which makes server-side rendering simpler.

As for Angular, the community includes experts who provide support and guidance through many online platforms such as GitHub, Stack overflow, and Google Groups.


In conclusion, both React and Angular frameworks have their own strengths and weaknesses. The framework to choose ultimately depends on the project's needs, scope, and developer's experience level. React is a great choice for building single-page applications with high performance, while Angular is best suited for building large-scale, complex web applications.


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